Friday, September 11, 2009

Ask and You Will Receive!

In all areas of our lives, when we have the courage to ask for what we want. we frequently receive what we want. When we don't ask, we typically don't receive. It is a simple idea, but not always easy to implement. Most people don't ask for what they want, because they don't know what they want. If they do know what they want, they are afraid of rejection and hearing the word "no".

Here are some ways to get what you want:
  1. Be clear about what you are asking for. It is hard to ask for something, when you don't know what you are asking for. The more specific your description, the better.

  2. Make a written list of what you want.

  3. Make sure the person you are asking, has your full attention and understands your request. There are many distractions in life, so make sure your request is heard and clearly understood.

  4. Ask the person who is most likely able to give you with what you want. Find the person who is most likely to be able to fulfill your request.

  5. Expect to get what you ask for. Have a positive expectation.

  6. Ask more than once, if necessary. Persistence pays.
You have nothing to lose and everything to gain when you ask for what you want. In terms of the GYSIG program, you are much more likely to get more referrals from your Sphere, when you ask for them. Think of one thing, right now, that you would like and who you would need to ask to get it. Make a point to ask that person today - don't delay!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

The Value of Delegation!

Most of us have work that we currently do, that could be done more efficiently, effectively and at less cost, by others. The more work we delegate, the more time we will have to that work which only we can do.

So, why don't we delegate more work, more often? Here are a few common reasons:
  • Nobody can do our work as well as we do it.

  • We don't trust others.

  • We don't know what work to delegate.

  • We don't know how to effectively delegate work.

  • We don’t know how to hold others accountable.
Here are some tips on how to effectively delegate:
  • Identify work that you are currently doing, that could be done by others. This includes book keeping, transaction coordination, marketing activities, and administrative tasks.

  • Identify competent and reliable people to delegate to. A person's positive attitude and dependability are much more important than their skills.

  • Clearly describe verbally, and in writing, what work you want done and when you want it completed.

  • Provide the information and tools necessary to complete the job.

  • Trust the person to do good work. Have a positive expectation.

  • Do not micro-manage. The person you delegate to will probably do the work differently than you. And, that is OK. It is the results, not the process, that you are looking for.

  • Appreciate, recognize and reward the person for their efforts.
Start today by identifying work that you can delegate and finding a reliable and trusted person to whom you can delegate.

"To write with a broken pencil, is pointless"