Monday, August 31, 2009

Practice Makes Comfort and Consistency

Do you remember when you first were learning to ride a bike, or drive a car, or use a computer? At first, we were awkward, slow and fairly incompetent. The way we improved was to practice on a routine basis. As a result, we began to feel more comfortable, we were more consistent, and we began to improve. The more we practiced, the more consistent we became and the better we got. It is a fact of life! Yet, many of us feel if we can’t do something perfectly the first time, then we are failures. Here are some guidelines to developing greater comfort and consistency in any venture we choose to undertake or skill we want to gain.
  • Find someone who is already doing what you want to do and ask them to help you. This person is your Mentor.

  • Set specific time aside on your calendar to learn and practice your new skill.

  • Practice on a consistent basis (once a day) even if for a short period of time.

  • Tell others what you are doing as an incentive to keep practicing.

  • Demonstrate your new skill or competency to others.

  • Enjoy the journey and the small progressive steps you are taking. Notice your progress and improved consistency.

  • Be patient. Rome was not created in a day.

  • Celebrate your small successes!
For example, as you practice using the Get Your Sphere In Gear® program, you will feel more comfortable and will be more consistent in staying personally connected to the people in your Sphere. Practice does help us be more comfortable and consistent!

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