Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Create a Routine - Create Balance and Success!

One of the most successful habits you can create is developing a flexible daily routine. Routines help ensure that we consistently get the most important work done each day, each week, each month and each year. Daily routines are easy to create, but challenging to follow. The three components of a successful routine are:
  • Activities you do for yourself
  • Activities you do for your business
  • Activities you do for your family
Here are some simple guidelines of what to include in your daily routine.
  • Start the day with Exercise. You will feel energized and your mind will be sharper as a result. Most people are more successful getting their exercise in before their work day starts.

  • Read a short prayer or meditation to express your gratitude for all the good things you have in your life.

  • Eat a healthy breakfast so you have energy to get through the morning.

  • Call at least three people in your Sphere of Influence to stay connected. Do this before you open your e-mail.

  • During the day, focus on the single most important work that will most positively impact your business.

  • At the end of the day, spend 10 minutes planning for the next day.

  • Have dinner with your family each night.

  • Spend at least one hour with your spouse, partner or a friend.

  • Go to bed at a reasonable hour so you feel refreshed in the morning.
Most people spend each day 'hoping' they get the important work done, often times neglecting themselves or their families.

Remember that this is a “flexible” routine, so when special situations arise, be flexible.

You will create balance in your life by consistently implementing a routine that helps you be physically, emotionally and financially successful!

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